Validate your HTTP-responses in Typescript

by Tom — 6 minutes

Typescript is immensely helpful when it comes to preventing bugs and making sure that your data structures are correct. However, Typescript doesn't exist in runtime and this leaves us with a couple of holes where bugs can slip through. In fact Typescript cannot know what the responses to our HTTP-requests look like in compile-time. It gives us a false sense of security.

If your incoming data structure is wrong, where would it cause a bug? Probably at the first place the incorrect value is being used. But where would that be? It could be any place in your code base. It could be easy to solve, or pretty hard. Who knows...?


You should verify the objects you receive through HTTP-requests


  • Catch bugs early
  • Solve bugs quickly and easily
  • Implementing validation forces you to handle the validation errors
  • More robust codebase


  • You have to keep your types and validators in sync
  • Can be tricky to write

HTTP-response Mismatches

Whenever we do an HTTP-request and expect an answer in the form of JSON, we can not know if the data structure we receive is equal to the data structure we expect. Even if we ourselves are maintaining the backend API, it is still possible (and common) to create mismatches between what we expect and what we receive.

Assumption is the mother of all F*-ups

The common way to handle this, is to just assume the type you'll receive is what you expect. Angular does this by just adding a type variable to the HttpClient functions:

const response$ = this.httpClient.get<Person>("api/person/1");

This will make sure that the compiler will handle this data as a Person object, but the actual data structure could be quite different. This is just a compiler-hint. It is better than nothing, but also a little deceiving. As a junior developer, I actually thought this gave me type-safety...

None of the projects I've worked on since then had any solutions to this problem. But that will not be the case for my future projects.

Trust but verify

So, what can we do to actually close this hole and prevent time-consuming bugs from slipping in?

We should check in runtime whether our assumptions about the incoming data structures are correct. This means we will have to make a validator for every DTO we create. This might sound cumbersome, but we can be smart about it. We are programmers after all...

Verification will not help us during compile-time, but it will definitely give us some benefits when the app is running.


If you verify your incoming data structures, you would know exactly where it would break. Namely: wherever your data is coming in. Also, you could give yourself a nice message containing the field where something unexpected came in. You wouldn't need to spend time searching for the problem. Fixing the problem will be a breeze.

Some positive side effects will be that you'll also force yourself to think about how to handle the errors. I know I sometimes skip corners or forget to implement the error situations, so I personally like the reminder.

Besides, if you're also the maintainer of your backend, you'll quickly realise whether your problem lies in your backend or in your frontend.

Typescript gives us a false sense of security by assuming the type of the incoming data structure. But by verifying, we can know for certain that we will properly handle whatever comes in. You will have a more trustworthy codebase this way.

How do we do this?

Luckily, if your focus is on REST api calls, you only have to validate for the types: string, boolean, number, object and array since JSON doesn't allow for any other types. Additionally, you'll likely want your validator to be able to handle optional fields, be able to check for date formatting in strings and maybe check for enums as well.

My solution

I thought building a validator was an interesting challenge, so I built one. I started by figuring out the API and I came up with this:

const result = validateType<Person>(incomingObj, {
  name: isString,
  age: isNumber,
  hasDriversLicense: isBoolean,
  address: isObject<Address>({
    houseNo: isNumber,
    street: isString,
    city: isString,
  hobbies: isArray<Hobby>({
    name: isString,
    isSport: optional(isBoolean),

By using the <Person> type-variable, we say that our incomingObj is expected to be of type Person. Our second argument is a Validator that matches <Person>'s fields.

This will give us compiler-errors if we make a typo or forget a field of Person. Unfortunately, it doesn't automatically check if you're using the right validator function.

Some main gist of my solution is this:

  1. transform validator-object into key-value pairs (The values are validator functions)
  2. execute all validator functions (They perform checks like typeof obj[field] === 'string')
  3. See if there are validation errors
  4. If there are: get them into a simple array
  5. return either the valid object or the validation errors

isObject behaves more or less the same as the main function. isArray picks the first element in the array and checks it with isObject.

With some FP-magic (partial application) and extensive use of generics, I managed to get it to work.

See my GitHub repo for the end result of the code. Feel free to use it. I would advise you to simply copy-paste the code into your code-base. It's not a lot of code, so you'll be fine maintaining it yourself.

If you do, you'll also want to check out the unittests

Type maintenance

One of the downsides of validating your types, is that you have to keep your types and your validators in sync. If you don't have a robust way of doing that, you'll just open up a different set of bugs.

Therefore, I would also advise you to store your validator object in the same files as your type-definitions. This will be a hint to also edit your validator if you edit your type. (If you use my solution, the compiler will give errors when you don't update your validator. I didn't check if the same is true for other libraries).

Example: Person.model.ts

export type Person = {
  name: string;
  age: number;
  hasDriversLicense: boolean;
  address: Address;
  hobbies: Array<Hobby>;

export const personValidator: Validator<Person> = {
  name: isString,
  age: isNumber,
  hasDriversLicense: isBoolean,
  address: isObject<Address>(addressValidator),
  hobbies: isArray<Hobby>(hobbyValidator),


I personally think you shouldn't pull in a library for something like this. But if you really want to: these are some options (with some slightly different flavours) you might want to consider:

See which one you like best. Or, even better: build your own!

I hope this article was instructive. Happy coding!



