Using custom git credentials in Gitlab CI

by Niels — 2 minutes

Please note that this is only applicable when using the HTTPS git protocol

Recently I was trying to automate releasing an npm package from my Gitlab CI pipeline. The plugin I was using (release-it) can bump the version number in package.json for me, create a versioned git tag and push these changes to the repository.

However, I ran into permission issues – caused by our Gitlab company setup – where they did not allow me to use the default Gitlab CI token. Instead I needed to use custom git credentials using a token with more privileges, in order to be allowed to push to the protected master branch.

Specifying custom credentials

The credentials to be used can be put in a .git-credentials file in the home folder (as per the git docs) in the following format:


You then have to configure git to use the store credential helper by running:

$ git config credential.helper store

The problem

Although I had created the ~/.git-credentials file before attempting to push, for some reason my custom credentials weren't being picked up by git. Instead, the default gitlab-ci-token user combined with the default $CI_JOB_TOKEN password were still being used.

The solution

After some more debugging, it turned out that the git remote was being set including the default credentials:

$ git remote -v
origin  https://gitlab-ci-token:[MASKED] (fetch)
origin  https://gitlab-ci-token:[MASKED] (push)

In order for git to use my custom credentials specified in ~/.git-credentials, I had to remove the default remote and replace it with the git url without any credentials specified. For this I used the predefined $CI_PROJECT_URL variable from Gitlab CI, like so:

$ git remote remove origin
$ git remote add origin "${CI_PROJECT_URL}.git"

This resulted in the expected output:

$ git remote -v
origin (fetch)
origin (push)

Without the credentials being hardcoded into the git remote url, my credentials in ~/.git-credentials are now being picked up as expected!



